The share of landlords who collected 90 percent or more of their potential rental revenue fell 27 percentage points from 2019 to 2020.
Smaller and mid-sized landlords with less than 20 apartments were more likely to see rental revenues drop by more than 50 percent. Landlords depend on these revenues to maintain their apartments, pay their bills, and support their families. Losing that income can be scary and frustrating, but we’re here to make sure that landlords do not lose their business because of COVID-19 or the economic disruptions that followed.
If you have outstanding rent receivables, or are worried that your tenants might be struggling to make their payments, here’s what you can do now:

How can landlords get rent assistance?
Congress provided resources to cities, counties, and states to help tenants avoid eviction and ensure landlords didn’t lose income. Generally, funds are available to cover up to 18 months of rent and utility assistance and can be used to catch up on past-due rent or to help tenants in future months. It can also be used to pay reasonable late fees, moving expenses (like security deposits or screening fees), or home internet costs. In Central Ohio, lots of nonprofit groups are helping distribute those funds. The eligibility can change a little bit from group to group, but here are the basics that landlords need to know.
Landlords don’t have to wait for tenants to start an application for rent help
Landlords initiate an application
In Franklin County, landlords do not need to wait for a tenant to apply for rent relief, you are allowed to apply directly to receive help with rent arrears. After the landlord begins the application, the tenant will be contacted to opt into the program and complete the process. It is important to apply as early as possible because if the tenant moves out, the application will be denied.
Owners don’t need to file an eviction, it will not speed up the process
Owners do not need to file an eviction to access assistance. Eviction filings are costly for landlords, inconvenient for all parties, and can clog the rent assistance review pipelines. Beginning in October 2023, some rental assistance providers will prioritize the most vulnerable applications for the limited funding that remains, including households that are already rent delinquent. An eviction filing is not required for this priority review.
Learn what works to speed up an application for rent assistance
Landlords need a fast review process so they can get their rent money and pay their bills. Be sure to follow these tips for a quick payment:
Make sure there’s no conflicting information. The biggest slow-down is when the landlord’s ledger doesn’t match the amount that’s claimed due. Be sure that all payment records are accurate and current. Other common conflicts are when the property owner’s name doesn’t match what is shown by the Franklin County Auditor, or when the lease rent and the ledger rent are different.
Check for red flags. Changes in the rental rate, landlords and tenants that are related to each other, or fees that are out-of-line with the market can all require a justification, which slows down the review.
Coordinating with the tenant can protect your income stream and prevent them from vacating the unit before the assistance is distributed. If the tenant leaves the unit, the application for relief will be terminated.
Elect for ACH payment. The fastest way to get paid is to provide electronic banking information so the funds can be wired directly, instead of waiting for a physical check to be drawn and mailed.
Maintaining a Working Relationship
Like all successful businesses, landlords must maintain a productive working relationship with their tenant. That’s especially true when seeking rent assistance because the tenant must cooperate to release funds to the landlord. But the stressful environment created by rising costs makes it harder to find common ground. Mediation helps landlords and tenants talk through disputes and find a resolution that benefits both parties. In Franklin County, Community Mediation Services offers free mediation to those at risk of eviction. It can help landlords avoid legal fees and attorney costs, accelerate a rent assistance application, and preserve a customer relationship.
Home Repair & Weatherization Resources.
Properties occupied by low- and moderate-income households may be available for free weatherization services to save money on energy bills. Learn more from the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission.
Housing Voucher Incentives.
Research finds that voucher holders owed significantly less back rent than non-voucher holders, particularly among the lowest-income households. To help expand voucher acceptance in Franklin County, the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority is offering a $500 vacancy payment to landlords who initially lease to a voucher holder, in addition to making security deposit payments.
Small Business Supports.
Landlords may qualify as a small business to access entrepreneurial resources. To learn more about programs and eligibility, visit the City of Columbus’ Office of Small Business and Entrepreneur Development.
Questions on Landlord Logistics for Rent Assistance
General FAQs are posted below. Please note that nonprofit providers may have different internal procedures.
Who does rent assistance funding go to?
Rent assistance is paid directly to the landlord unless the property owner objects to the funding.
My tenant hasn’t applied, can I submit an application myself?
Yes. Landlords can submit an application directly by finding a rent relief provider that serves landlords on our search page. After the landlord submits the rent assistance application, the tenant must cooperate to complete it.
What is the fastest way to get rent assistance paid?
Landlords who sign up to receive electronic payment through ACH (automated clearing house) receive payment faster than those who receive a check through the U.S. Postal Service.
Do I need to file an eviction to qualify for rent assistance?
No. While some nonprofits may provide priority funding to households that are delinquent, evicting filings are not necessary and do not expedite the review process.
Will filing an eviction speed up a rent assistance application?
How can I get a status update on a tenant's application for rent assistance?
Most rent assistance providers use the online program called Allita 360 to submit and review applications. Landlords can create an account and check the status of applications linked to their properties at any time. You can also contact the rent assistance provider directly.
How can I confirm my tenant was approved for rent assistance?
The rent assistance provider will give the tenant written confirmation when they apply and when their application is approved. You can also check the status on the Allita 360 online application system.
If I see that an application is incomplete, what can I do?
If the application needs additional information from the landlord, submitting a response quickly helps ensure that the rent assistance provider can also approve it quickly. If the application needs additional information from the renter, the landlord may wish to reach out and encourage the tenant to update the application. Tenants may have difficulty receiving emails or text messages from the rent assistance provider, especially if they lack internet or reliable phone service; a landlord who helps boost this communication can be a powerful tool in getting relief approved quickly.
If I accept rent assistance, can I still evict a tenant?
You cannot evict a tenant for nonpayment of rent for any period for which you accepted funding.
I think my tenant can pay rent and is choosing not to, why should I cooperate if they aren’t invested in the process?
At Rentful, we strongly believe that landlords should not lose their business or income because of COVID-19 or the economic disruptions that followed. Your customer’s motivations are irrelevant to ensuring you get the resources you need to stay in business. However, if you know someone intentionally provided false information or is attempting to commit fraud, you should share that information with the rent assistance provider.
What information needs to be on my W9?
Be sure that information on your W9 matches what is included in the rent assistance application. For landlords that own multiple properties, be sure that you are providing the W9 for the correct building and/or ownership entity.
When are payments issued for rent assistance?
For most nonprofit providers, payments are issued by a third-party administrator after the application is approved.
Am I guaranteed to receive 18 months of rent assistance?
No. There are many different rent relief programs in Franklin County and not all of them last 18 months. Also, most rent relief programs end when the household no longer needs assistance so that these limited resources can be used to help a more vulnerable family. For most rent relief providers, the tenant will be required to recertify that you still meet eligibility requirements every 1 - 3 months.
How long must a tenant wait to apply for more help?
If after receiving emergency rent assistance, the tenant still needs help paying their rent to avoid falling behind in the future, they may reapply one day after the payment is sent to the landlord.
Can a tenant transfer their application to a new assistance provider?
Yes. Both the tenant and the new rent assistance provider must agree to transfer a file. The tenant may need to complete an Authorization for Release of Information form to share their confidential information with the new provider.
Questions on Landlord & Cost Eligibility for Rent Assistance
What if I have properties outside Franklin County?
All the resources on Rentful are customized for Franklin County residents. If you own renter properties elsewhere in Ohio, you can find an emergency rental assistance provider in your area by visiting the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio’s website. If you live outside Ohio, you can find rental assistance providers on the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s website.
Is there a $5,000 limit on rent assistance?
Does the tenant need to reapply every month?
Sometimes. If approved for forward-looking assistance, the tenant will need to recertify eligibility every 1 -3 months.
Questions on Other Landlord Resources
What if I need help paying a mortgage on a home that I own?
If you are struggling to make your personal housing payment in an owner-occupied home, you can apply for assistance from Save the Dream Ohio. If you need assistance paying a loan on a rental property, some federally insured mortgages offer COVID-19 relief. For more information on assistance you may be eligible for see: Fannie Mae’s Mortgage Loan Lookup and Freddie Mac’s Loan Look-Up Tool.
As a landlord, where can I get legal help?
You can find a local attorney using the Columbus Bar Association’s Attorney Referral Service. The Franklin County Municipal Court’s Self-Help Resource Center provides legal information for landlords navigating eviction. You can also access the Ohio Attorney General’s Fair Housing Guide for Landlords.